
Kenya Loses 2 Billion Daily to Corruption, What does This Mean to the Health Sector?



During a past interview, Kenya’s President Uhuru Kenyatta alluded to the fact that his government is losing 2 billion shillings to corruption daily. His remarks irked Kenyans, specifically those in the health sector.

Take Nairobi County’s annual health budget, for example. It has never passed the 11 billion shillings mark. Think of the 11 billion against the president’s 2 billion. What this means is that money that is enough for the capital city’s health budget is being stolen from the public purse in under six days.

You also end up with a huge figure if you were to calculate the magnitude of this thieving spree by the 365 days in a year. You can also go further and multiply the annual figure with all the years under President Kenyatta’s Jubilee administration.

Whatever the president was telling us is that we are losing more to corruption than financing our budgets, health budgets in particular.

Whether the president’s remarks were true or not is what a group of Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) in Nairobi County are doing to help truck the expenditure of government resources in the health sector.

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