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Nairobi Water and Fresh Life Launch Partnership To Expand Sanitation In Informal Settlements



Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company (NCWSC) has partnered with Fresh Life to expand sanitation access in Nairobi’s informal settlements with over 50,000 residents targeted to benefit.

‘Kibera still has a huge need in terms of people that have no access to sanitation,’said  Anthony Mulinge,the managing director of Fresh Life.

Mulinge added that there are no adequate sanitation solutions in informal settlements thus Fresh Life toilets come in handy.

‘We are already established in Mukuru kwa Reuben,Mathare,Korogocho,Viwandani,Mukuru kwa Njenga.In every densely populated areas in Nairobi,you will find a fresh life toilet,’said Mulinge.

Land ownership was mentioned as the major challenge in informal settlements denying residents permit to set up the toilets.

‘Working together with the county government  and Nairobi Water will help us solve the administrative challenges when putting up the toilets,’added Mulinge.

‘Over 5000 Fresh Life toilets  have been constructed in Nairobi while over 7500 have been constructed countrywide.Approximately more than 250000 people are served on a daily basis with the toilets,’ said Anthony Mulinge.

Article 43 (1) (b) of the constitution of Kenya states that every person has the right to accessible and adequate housing,and to reasonable standards of sanitation.

Mario Kainga,the county director incharge of water and sanitation said that delivering sanitation services requires partnerships and collaborations  between both levels of government and non-state actors.

‘The national and county governments are working on a policy document to guide on interventions to achieve sanitation for all,as enshrined in the constitution of Kenya,’added Kainga.

David Manole,an engineer and a technical director at Nairobi Water and Sewerage Company mentioned that they have a huge role to play  in the sanitation space that includes sewered and non-sewered sanitation.

‘We are big in the sewered sanitation covering approximately 49 percent,the remaining 51 percent needs to be covered and that is where Fresh Life and others are coming to fill,’added Manole.

Cedrick Alaro,a board member of Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company said the partnership is beneficial in their mandate of providing sanitation to Nairobi residents.

‘Nairobi’s informal settlments are growing rapidly and Fresh Life is a solution to sanitation,’added Alaro.

The launch was held in Kibera’s DC grounds where community members were in attendance.


John Mwilwatsi
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